Mercier Therapy

 For Fertility

The Shared Journey Fertility Program*The SJFP can be completed over one weekend for patients who travel to receive the therapy.

The Shared Journey Fertility Program

*The SJFP can be completed over one weekend for patients who travel to receive the therapy.

Mercier Therapy concluded a four-year, evidence based research study in September 2012, indicating an 83 percent pregnancy success rate.  The abstract, “Mercier Therapy Helps Infertile Women Achieve Pregnancy” was published in the spring 2013 edition of Midwifery Today.

Discover Mercier Therapy for fertility and other conditions of the pelvis. Learn more here.

The Shared Journey Fertility Program

As a certified Mercier Therapy practitioner, Dr. Jenny provides help for women with fertility challenges.  Mercier Therapy (MT) is a safe and gentle external pelvic visceral manipulation technique designed to restore the health and function of the pelvis by addressing adhesions, scar tissue, and decreased mobility of the pelvic and reproductive structures.  MT restores mobility and proper blood flow to the reproductive organs, which optimizes their function. It can be used as an independent therapy or it can be used as an adjunct to other assisted reproductive technology techniques (ART) such as IUI or IVF.  The therapy protocol is started and finished prior to the stimulation portion of a medically assisted cycle. The typical course of therapy entails 6 hours of MT, (broken down into one hour sessions performed over a period of 4-6 weeks).* 

Mercier Therapy

For Pelvic Conditions


Discover Mercier Therapy for fertility and other conditions of the pelvis. Learn more here.

As a certified Mercier Therapy practitioner, Dr. Jenny provides help for women with pelvic pain, Cesarean section recovery and other pelvic issues (such as PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, irregular periods, painful periods, painful intercourse and pelvic scarring from Cesarean birth, surgery or trauma).  Mercier Therapy (MT) is a safe and gentle external pelvic visceral manipulation technique designed to restore the health and function of the pelvis by addressing adhesions, scar tissue, and decreased mobility of the pelvic and reproductive structures.  Mercier Therapy restores mobility and proper blood flow to the pelvic organs, which optimize their function. 


“Parenting begins the moment you make any conscious effort to care for your own health in preparation for enhancing your child’s conception.” ‒ Carista Luminare-Rosen